
Press Conference: Aikang Group KCS System Launched Aikang Intelligent Platform Helps Employees to Study and Grow

On the morning of June 30, Aikang Group successfully hosted the press conference on the launch of its KCS System. The newly launched Aikang KCS system integrates the three major systems of collaborative office, knowledge management and mobile application into a functionally powerful one. 

Press Conference
At the press conference, Dr. Wang Dong, Chairman of the Board of Directors, delivered a warm speech via remote video in Silicon Valley, US. “Knowledge management is a particularly important factor in building the core competitiveness of the Group. It is an especially important characteristic of Aikang, which makes it different from other organizations. The experiences in running an enterprise for more than 20 years and running a hospital for 14 years have taught me a lot. Some things that we did well 14 years ago cannot be well done now. Some things emphasized in 1990s cannot be found anymore. Knowledge management can solve the problem of inheritance of the Group's experience, and successors will be able to achieve faster growth based on the accumulation of forerunners’ experiences." 

Dr. Wang Dong, Chairman of the Board of Directors, participated in the remote video conference in Silicon Valley, US  
The Chairman expressed, he hoped that all members of the Group can fully understand the significance of knowledge management and use the knowledge management system well. “Last year, PwC was invited for consulting. His partner said that Huawei's knowledge base was awesome. What impressed him was that through two-hour learning, Huawei’s employees had no difficulties in the communication on a field that they had little knowledge before. The secret was that they learned via Huawei's knowledge base within two hours. This is a typical case of the application of the knowledge base.” " 
The Chairman emphasized that knowledge management plays a significant role in medical industry, both for managers and medical personnel. It is common for all employees instead of knowledge management department alone. I hope that like Huawei, Aikang can maximize the effectiveness of the knowledge base, and work together to make the knowledge base a source of power for industrial competition. In the process of establishing the knowledge base, everyone has cooperated diligently and achieved remarkable results. I hope that when the PDCA summary of the knowledge base project is carried out one year later, everyone will make great progress and gain a lot. 

Zhai Mian, Senior Vice President of the Group, Shared the Core Reasons for Enterprises to Conduct Knowledge Management 
Zhai Mian, Senior Vice President of the Group, unveiled the core reasons for enterprises to conduct knowledge management. At present, in the era of rapid development and great changes, the frequent flow of talents has become the reality for every enterprise, which makes many enterprises realize that it has been already an important matter to bring the knowledge and lessons in the brain of employees into enterprises and to pass them down. Now there are many successful precedents of enterprise knowledge management, such as those of Tencent, Huawei, SF, New Oriental and so on. She also said that it is her honor to be the person in charge of Aikang’s knowledge management. She expressed thanks to Group Executive Director & CIO Hou Jie and his information center team, knowledge management team and Shenzhen Landray for their great cooperation, and to the colleagues of Huangshi Aikang Hospital for their support and help. 
She shared the goals of "Three Ones" of Huawei's knowledge management: to find the knowledge you want to know in the knowledge base within one minute, to get the help from relevant experts within one hour, and to summarize and share the case to the knowledge base system within one month after the project ends. She hopes that Aikang's knowledge management team will aim at these goals and gradually realize the goals of "Three Ones" through system building for 3 to 5 years. 

Executive Director & CIO of the Group Hou Jie Shared Cases
Hou Jie, Executive Director & CIO of the Group, shared several cases concerning knowledge bases and described how companies, such as Microsoft and PwC, use knowledge management to rapidly foster talents and quickly establish competitive advantages. He held that in today's society, it is necessary to identify the growth of talents and the speed of employees’ growth if one want to find talents. Knowledge management is the acceleration that can help employees to grow and speed up their growth. 

Knowledge Management Specialist Dr. Xia Jinghua Gave Lecture 
Dr. Xia Jinghua, a knowledge management expert, brought a wonderful lecture to the participants on the “significance and value of knowledge management for organizations and individuals, application of knowledge management in domestic and foreign enterprises, some forward-looking practices of knowledge management, and how to achieve the acceleration of enterprises”, etc. 
Finally, Zhu Yao, Manager of Knowledge Management Operation, introduced the online functions of the KCS system, the points and experience mechanisms of the system, together with the knowledge management plan of Aikang Group in the next five years. It is expected that with the joint efforts by all members of Aikang, knowledge management will become a core competitiveness of the Group that cannot be copied by others, and the KCS system will become a growth platform for everyone to work, study and communicate. 

Zhu Yao, Manager of Knowledge Management Operation, introduced the online functions of the KCS system 
In order to celebrate the important milestone of Aikang Group, in accordance with the spirit of Dr. Wang Dong, Chairman of the Group, which is to give full play to the value of knowledge management to organizations and employees, the Group decided to define June 30th as the Knowledge Management Day of Aikang Group. In the future, knowledge management carnival will be held on June 30th annually. Let’s look forward to the knowledge management event of all members of Aikang next year.